
Prikazuju se postovi od veljača, 2018

Ljeto u Sevilli

Ljeto u Sevilli Znaš Marie,nisam ti dugo vremena pisala...Da li sam ti ikad ispričala priču o onom ljetu u Španiji.Znaš ono vrelo ljeto kad sam otišla posjetiti tetku u Sevilji...možda si se sjetila.Nikad ti nisam ispričala šta se sve zbilo tog ljeta,mada nisam ni htjela,nisam mogla ustvari... Španija je te godine bila lijepa.Svaki dan budila bih se uz sunce i lijepi vrijeme.Noći bi bile izuzetno ugodne i tople,pune zvijezda.Voljela sam Španiju,i tetku.Voljela sam biti tu,osjećala sam se,ne znam nekako ugodno.Kao mala stalno bih dolazila tetki iz Francuske pa sam na svu sreću i naučila malo španskog.Čuj nije to bilo za pohvalit se ali bolje išta nego ništa.Ljudi u Španiji bili bi izuzetno ljubazni.Sa svojom rođakom Mariom svake noći bih otišla šetati i kupiti sladoled.Ona bi uzela vaniliju a ja ananas.Šta znam voljela sam taj okus.Jedne noći dok sam sa Mariom sjedila na klupici,gledajuć more prišao mi je mladić.Izuzetno visok,crn kao noć,i neizmjerno zgodan.Dobacio mi je par rije
Barcelona i ti ♥ Barcelona je kao i uvijek odisala toplinom,mirisom Mediterana,soli iz Sredozemnog mora,historijom i umjetnošću. Grad pun ljepote,ljubavi. Barcelona je skrivala tebe. Sjedila si na vrelom pijesku,gledala si u more. Valovi su golicali tvoja stopala.Toplo sunce pržilo je tvoju kožu. Gledala si u duboko more,očima plavljim od mora. Vjetar ti je mrsio kosu,igrao se sa njom i bacao je po tvom blijedom licu. Nisi osjećala ni more ni vjetar ni sunce. Nisi osjećala ni slučajne prolaznike. Bila si Barcelonino dijete. Tvoja ljepota bila je veća od ljepote Barcelone, a voljela si je. Tugovala si. Tvoj um zaorobile su oči mladog Rodriga,stavile te u začarani krug. Kroz glavu su ti prolazile uspomene, u mozgu su ti se vrzmale njegove riječi. Željela si njegov zagrljaj,znala si kada bi te zagrlio sve bi stalo. Svijet bi stao na trenutak. Nedostajala ti je večernja šetnja uz more dok su zvijezde obasjavale tvoje iskrene,prelijepe oči. Bila si sama. Nisi znala. Nisi znala da si ma
RUMORS ARE TRUE?  Kylie Jenner finally admitted... Kardashian-Jenner family is always full of surprises.In october 2017 rumors about Kylie's pregnancy started.Kylie successfully hid her pregnancy from the world.She kept it a secret for nine months.Wow,who would say Kardashian-Jenner can keep something from the world.You know what I mean. While world was trying to expose Kylie she was enjoying her pregnancy.13 H ago Kylie wrote this on her instagram: "Im sorry for keeping you in the dark through all the assumptions. I understand you're used to me bringing you along on all my journeys. my pregnancy was one I chose not to do in front of the world I knew for myself I needed to prepare for this role of a lifetime in the most positive,stress free,and healthy way i knew how.there was no gotcha moment,no big paid reveal i had planned.i knew my baby would feel every stress and every emotion so I chose to do it this way for my little life and our happiness. pregnanc
Things you need when you travel Traveling is fun.You can visit places,meet people,have fun... But packing your stuff for traveling can be tough.In this blog I pick few things you should bring on trip.Besides clothes,money and phone you'll need this things also sooo... PASSPORT Of course you need passport when you travel,and if you forget your passport you'll be in big trouble. BOOKS in case you are bored you can always read book or two.  HEADPHONES who can survive without music? WATER  very important thing when you travel is to drink a lot of water. SOCKS if you want to stay cozy bring socks.  SUNGLASSES  so that was it,this blog is little shorter but I'm in rush and I don't really have time.Stay tuned byee  love  xx
Do not judge people Hello everyone in today's blog I decided to pick a topic that's really something new on this blog and I haven't really talk about this ever on my blog.This is very serious topic and I really want to say what I think about it. It's 21st century.Social media is everywhere.Instagram,facebook,snapchat,youtube just everything.People have so many ways to say their opinions and to express who they really are. Even tho social media can be a good thing,it can also be bad thing.A very bad thing!Social media can in one freaking moment change your life to better or worse,you can never know. Be careful what you say to people,and what kind of comments you're leaving under that person's post,picture and more.You don't know how that person is going to react because we all react different way depends on a person really.One person won't give a fu** about your opinion but others can react different. Does it really matters if person is muslim,
THE PERFECT DATE So because it's february and valentines day is coming up and since I wrote on last blog what you should do is take your crush/girl/boy and that stuff on a date,so how to pick a perfect date?There are many opportunities.It really depends on a what person likes and what person finds attractive and funny.So here I picked a few ideas,examples for a date.Hope you'll enjoy. ♥  Picnic  What's better than a picnic and sunset.Bring a food and enjoy.Just perfect opportunity,you can't go wrong with this. River or beach So whoever did this is so creative and this date is absolute hit. Just amazing date,away from everyone just to spent time with you and your boy/girl doing whatever you want and talk whatever you want. Bike date If your girl or boy is very active and like bike ride,why not?  After riding a bike you can go on beach or in park and eat your food,have fun and laugh together. ♥  Movie night Again if your girl or
Valentines day things you SHOULD DO So we all know valentines day is coming up this month.So if there is anyone you would like to impress just follow this simple steps and girl or boy is yours. We know it can be hard to make the first move but you can make that "sweet nightmare" just sweet not nightmare,okay that was stupid. But you know what I mean so here are thing you SHOULD DO on Valentines day. Take your boy/girl on a sweet date I know picking a date can be very stressful.But date is opportunity to get to know better your lover one.Pick a date he or she could not resist to come.Make something original and something to remember.I think beach,park,lake,river is a beautiful choice.Like this for example...  If it's a girl buy her flowers Every girl likes flowers. Surprise your girl with a beautiful roses. Song Song is so perfect for your lover one.But your song not song from the internet. Chocolate Do not think to go on a date with